Mountain Home School District #193

The Board and staff will, as appropriate, work with other institutions and agencies to improve human relations within the schools and in the community.

IT Help Desk

Skyward Qmlativ Employee Portal

Frontline Absence Management

Maintenance Help Desk

Powerschool - Teacher Login

Production Request Form

Employee Gmail

EdHub - Teacher Login (formerly Mileposts)

EdPlan - SpEd

Clever Portal


Idaho Certification Forms

Idaho Department of Education

Social Security Administration

Employee Work Information

SY2023-2024 - Master Agreement

MASTER AGREEMENT 2023-2024 - Final.pdf 734.21 KB (Last Modified on August 9, 2023)

SY2024-2025 - Employee Start and End Dates

SY2024-2025 - Employee Start and End Dates

Start and End Dates SY 2024-2025.docx 19.64 KB (Last Modified on July 23, 2024)

SY2024-2025 - Benefits Guide

2024-2025 Benefit Guide - MHSD.pdf 636.28 KB (Last Modified on July 23, 2024)

2024-2025 <a href=Certified Salary Schedule" />

2024-2025 Certified Salary Schedule

Certified Salary Schedule 2024-2025 .docx 24.97 KB (Last Modified on August 1, 2024)

SY2024-2025 - Classified Salary Schedule

SY2024-2025 - Classified Salary Schedule

2024-2025 Classified Salary Schedule- All Lanes.xlsx 14.87 KB (Last Modified on July 23, 2024)

SY2024-2025 - Classified Positions Grade Scale

SY2024-2025 - Classified Positions Grade Scale

Classified Grades_2024-2025.xlsx 15.29 KB (Last Modified on July 23, 2024)